Monday, May 13, 2013

Twelve Reasons Why Homosexuality is Unacceptable


Reason # One – Biological/Anatomical  

The human anatomy has clearly defined what every part of the body should be used for. Whereas the mouth has been designed with teeth, the tongue and a cavity for eating, the legs have been designed for movement and support. In the same way, the male and female sexual organs of human beings have been designed for each other. The anal passage has been designed to expel excreta and not as a sexual passage. Quite regrettably, however, while lesbians mostly engage in oral sex, gays normally engage in oral, anal and other forms of sex perversion. The misuse of their anal passage for sexual activities has resulted in several health problems. It can be said, therefore, that since by their anatomical designs, the mouth and anal passage have not been intended for sexual activities, those who misuse them for such activities attract to themselves several problematic consequences.

Reason # Two – Health
Health-related problems confronting homosexuals include E-coli infections and anal cancer. Others suffer from amoebiasis, which affects the intestine, liver and other tissues. It is characterized by frequent loose stools, flecked with blood and mucus. Some are also affected by haemorrhoids, otherwise known as piles. As homosexuals engage in oral and anal sex, they are attacked by the intestinal illness, cryptosporidiosis, which is spread through the faecal and oral routes. Smoke-related diseases, suicidal tendencies, syphilis, hepatitis B, herpes, bowel diseases, Chlamydia trachomatis, skin diseases, low self esteem, drug abuse and alcoholism are quite common amongst homosexuals. Additionally, as most homosexuals engage in anal sex they destroy their anal passage resulting in most gays wearing diapers.

In his insightful article, The Health Threat to Homosexuals, Peter LeBarbera states that apart from being 5,000 times more likely than heterosexuals to contract HIV/AIDS and 8 times more susceptible to the deadly liver-destroying hepatitis viruses, 90% of gays have chronic or recurrent viral infections with herpes, cytomegalovirus, or hepatitis B. Gays generally lose between 8 to 20 years of life expectancy and because of their engagement in anal sex, they are said to be 860% more likely to contract sexually transmitted diseases. Such men are not likely to live beyond age 65.
Homosexuals are also saddled with depression, sleeping disorders, loss of confidence, feeling of worthlessness, suicidal tendencies, fear, isolation, anxiety, panic, sadness and difficulty in trusting people. Lesbians also suffer from genital tract tuberculosis, anal and oral gonorrhea, anorectal candidiasis, trichomoniasis, genital discharge, infection and inflammation of the fallopian tubes, pre-menstrual tension, irregular or no menstrual cycle, hormonal disorders, breast and cervical cancers, and sexual weakness. Due to the hormonal disorders, lesbians are less likely to bear children.
When homosexuals are sick, they are less likely to be able to confide in medical personnel about their homosexual lifestyles. This can result in serious and complicated health challenges for them. In view of the numerous health challenges posed by homosexual activities, the practice is unacceptable, no matter how much people try to glorify it.
Reason # Three – Procreation is Impossible through Homosexuality
During creation, God intended that through procreation, the world would be populated. This is only possible through the sexual relationship between a man and a woman whose responsibility it would be to nurture and train their offspring. Since it is impossible for homosexuals to have their own biological children, the practice goes against God’s natural procreative arrangements. Even though homosexuals usually argue that they can adopt children or produce children through surrogacy, the argument is not sound because if everybody were a homosexual, how would homosexuals get the children to adopt? God’s standards for procreation must not be altered by any means.

Reason # Four – Even Animals Do Not Practice Homosexuality
Even in the animal kingdom we do not see a male cow, sheep, pig, goat, donkey, etc, having sex with a male counterpart, or a female animal mating with another female. If even animals would not do that, how come human beings, who have been created in the image of God, would want to engage in that? Although some animals may occasionally display some homosexual tendencies, it is very difficult to see a male pig, goat, and sheep or horse engaging in an actual same-sex mating encounter. Even if animals were to engage in same-sex mating, that should not serve as a yardstick for any human being to emulate because human beings have been made in the image of God and should, therefore, act more responsibly than animals.
Reason # Five – Homosexuality Destroys Marriage and Family Life
There is no doubt that homosexual activities destroy marriages and family life. Even though some people argue that homosexuals should be left to continue in their activities because it is their human rights, it is debatable how many of such persons would want to see their spouses, children and relations engage in homosexual activities. If one’s husband, wife, daughter, son, uncle, niece, nephew, mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister or auntie is a homosexual, would they be proud to publicly introduce them to others? How proud would you be of such people? How many parents would be proud to introduce their children to homosexuality? How many women would be proud to continue to live with a husband who also engages in homosexual activities? How many men would be proud to continue to live with a wife who also engages in homosexual activities? No matter how much people argue for homosexuality, the fact remains that it is quite destructive for family life.

Reason # Six – Homosexuality can Destroy Societies/Communities
Everybody lives in a society or community. To forestall societal cohesion, basic social policies, rules and principles would have to be respected. What one person does, in a way, affects others. Unfortunately, some people blindlyargue that homosexuality is a private affair between two consenting adults and should, therefore, not bother anybody. The question is: How many people would like to live comfortably in the same house with homosexuals? How many landlords or house-owners would comfortably rent out their houses to homosexuals? How many people would like to live comfortably in a community with homosexuals? How safe would children in those communities be? How many people would like to train their children in communities filled with homosexuals? Simply put, homosexuality can become a serious social problem and should, therefore, not be encouraged.

Reason # Seven – Homosexuality is Illegal
While it is true that some legal experts think that homosexuality is legal, many others think that it is illegal. Under the laws of Ghana, carnal knowledge is considered illegal. In the same way, indecent behavior is also considered an offense. As a result of these legal provisions, homosexuality is unacceptable.

Reason # Eight – All Major Religions Frown Upon Homosexuality
·         African Traditional Religion Abhors Homosexuality: One thing African Traditional Religion frowns upon is sexual sins. It frowns upon activities of rape, homosexuality, premarital sexual relationships, adultery, incest, bestiality, and having sex in the bush or open places. These are regulated by several taboos and any violation of any of them attracts serious punishment including banishment, fines and humiliation.
·         Islam Frowns Upon Homosexuality: Islam condemns homosexuality as a perverted sexual behavior, punishable as a crime against Allah.
·         Christianity teaches against Homosexuality:The Bible considers homosexuality as sinful. Leviticus 18 highlights several abominable sexual activities including homosexuality. The 18th verse of that chapter states, “Never has sexual intercourse with a man as with a woman. It is disgusting”. So detestable is homosexuality that in the Old Testament times, the Lord directed that those who engaged in it were to be put to death and their blood was to be on their own heads  (Lev. 20:13). We live in the dispensation of grace and the rule of law. As a result, we are not to kill homosexuals, but to love them as human beings. Christians are to express love to homosexuals and share God’s word with them, but they are to hate their homosexual tendencies.

Reason # Nine God’s Wrath is Upon Homosexuals:The abominable activities of homosexuals have attracted God’s wrath upon them. Just as the Lord was angry with the people of Sodom and Gomorrah and destroyed them because of their homosexual activities, anybody who engages in homosexuality is inviting to himself or herself the terrible anger of God. Romans 1:18-32 reads,
            God's anger is revealed from heaven against every ungodly and immoral thing people do as they try to suppress the truth by their immoral living… For this reason God allowed their lusts to control them. As a result, they dishonor their bodies by sexual perversion with each other… God allowed their shameful passions to control them. Their women have exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. Likewise, their men have given up natural sexual relations with women and burn with lust for each other. Men commit indecent acts with men, so they experience among themselves the punishment they deserve for their perversion. And because they thought it was worthless to acknowledge God, God allowed their own immoral minds to control them. So they do these indecent things. Their lives are filled with all kinds of sexual sins, wickedness, and greed… Although they know God's judgment that those who do such things deserve to die, they not only do these things but also approve of others who do them (MKJV).

Reason # Ten – Homosexuality is Punishable in Hell: All the major sacred religious books teach that there is an eternal damnation waiting for homosexuals. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 states, “Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanders nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God”. Furthermore, the Bible clearly teaches that outside the heavenly city are “the dogs (referring to homosexuals), those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood” (Rev. 22:15).

Reason # Eleven – We are Created in the Image of God:As we have been created in the image of God, we need to know that the Lord has shared one of His attributes with us. That attribute is holiness which we must demonstrate in all that we do. This will please and bring glory to the Lord in all that we do including our sexual relationships. Obviously, the Lord cannot be glorified in any homosexual relationship.

Reason # Twelve – Even Common Sense Teaches that Homosexuality is Unacceptable:Simple common sense teaches that homosexuality is unacceptable. Whereas the tongue has been created to tolerate hot spices such as pepper and ginger, the nose cannot withstand them. Whereas the skin can withstand soap solution, the nose, ear, mouth and intestines cannot. Similarly, whereas females and males have been made compatible to one another, any variation is generally considered an abnormality. As a result, it is logical to conclude that even common sense reveals that homosexuality is unacceptable.

Conclusion: Let us conclude with a short discourse on theBiological Causality Argument on Homosexuality. Some homosexuals have developed the lame argument that they were created homosexuals. This theory seeks to suggest that homosexuality is a genetic problem that determines a person’s sexual orientation. It has to be made clear that the argument for the biological causality of homosexuality is a desperate attempt by homosexuals to justify their abominable and deviant lifestyle. One of the biggest lies ever told in this generation is that of the biological causality of homosexuality. Even if this argument is true, the questions to be asked are: If a thief claims that he/she was born with the natural instincts for stealing, will the law still deal with such a person? Will society accept such a thief like that? Even if this argument is true, would we be saying that God the Creator is trying to confuse humanity?Indeed, as long as people want to engage in the shameful homosexual activities, they would find ways to justify it. The fact, however, remains that God never intended that a man would have sex with his fellow man or a woman would have sex with her fellow woman. If God had so intended, he would have created the suitable sex organ for that kind of relationship. But He created a man and a woman. Simply put, homosexuality is totally unacceptable. Those who have already fallen victims to homosexuality must repent and seek help through prayerful counseling rather than trying to justify this abominable practice called homosexuality.

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