Thursday, March 20, 2014


Verse: Matthew 22:37

Many things vie for our affection, time and attention and it seems we always need to evaluate where we’re focusing our lives. Joshua told the people of Israel that they have to give their affection and worship to God alone (Josh 24:14).
This was significant in contrast to the idols worshiped by the nations around them. These idols were made of metals and were only work of man’s hand. They were totally powerless compared to the Lord. Therefore, God’s people are exhorted to find their security Him and not in other gods.
Jesus reiterated this in His discussion of the commandment: ‘’Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind’’ (Matt 22:37). The Lord alone is our help and shield. May we reserve our worship for Him.
What do your actions in the last few days reveal about your affections? Is there any indication that you have placed someone or something above God? God is most worthy for your  affections and that  you should renew your commitment with Him. God Bless you